A Single (Free!) App for a Smoother Settlement
Our Commitment To You
Download the ZOCCAM App to Make Sending the EMD Easy

Say goodbye to the days of hand-delivering the earnest money deposit.
ZOCCAM is a fast, secure, user-friendly app that agents or buyers can download to electronically send EMD checks. From there, we’ll ensure all parties are on the same page, working toward a stress-free, on-schedule settlement!
It is the fastest and easiest way to deliver EMDs in all of New Hampshire & Maine — and it’s free!
With a simple photo, this user-friendly interface will send EMD checks just like a typical banking app.
- Download Zoccam for iPhone or Android
- Register Account
- Click “Capture”
- Click “EMD”
- Search and Select “Four Points Title & Escrow” (2 Greenleaf Woods Address)
- For identification purposes, please enter the Address, Name & Deposit Amount (N/A is sufficient for any unknown information)
- Take a Photo of your EMD check
- Send it!!
It really is that easy. If you have a question or run into a snag, call Jenny Copp at (603)312-7363 or email JCopp@FourTitle.com.